Drawing Wider Circles: New Athlete Ministry Offers Expansive, Inclusive Faith Communities
We found ourselves wedged between a row of books and a large window. My father and I stood in the aisle of a prominent chain bookstore. He intentionally selected books from the shelf, curating selections on world religions and Christian theology.
I was 17 years old and had just told my parents I wanted to be baptized at a local non-denominational church. My father’s response was one of surprise, concern and care.
5 Ways to Connect with God Daily
Athletes often live life on the go, but connecting with God doesn’t have to slow you down. Discover five everyday practices—from prayer to gratitude—that invite faith into the rhythm of your busy life. These simple steps will help you see God in your sport, your teammates, and the world around you.
A Collect for Advent 4
God of the Hungry, you are the Handmade Bread and Loving Presence that fills our belly and soul. Help us remember that you learned how to care and to feed because You were first cared for and fed by your momma, Mary. Jesus, once you were a baby who was held in your mother's arms--your momma sang to you as you closed your eyes to rest, this Magnificat, that sways to the rhythms of mercy. She formed You, and so she forms us. Help us to sing, to feed, to care like your momma, Mary. Amen.
A Collect for Advent 3
God of Spirit and Fire, you are the flames that refine but do not burn, the One that gently warms us back up when our hearts have grown cold. Help us to recognize each other's humanity, sharing and sharing honestly whenever and however we can. Jesus, you teach us that it is through the soils of mercy, justice, and humility that we have a chance at bearing good fruit. Amen.
Find Your People
In my first few weeks of college, I remember scanning the room at orientation events and club meetings and parties, trying to spot anyone who looked interesting or friendly. Once I had a few acquaintances from the dorm, we traveled like a pack around campus and town, looking to grow our social circles together. In a sea of other new students, finding friends felt overwhelming at first, and every new introduction felt full of possibility.
A Collect for Advent 2
God of the Wilderness, you are the One that goes with us as we find our way through. Help us have the courage to walk the prophetic paths laid out ahead of us, contributing our part in smoothing out whatever is rough, so that access to mercy and justice may widen, and widen, and widen. In the name of Jesus, who loves the wild and liminal places, Amen.
A Collect for Advent 1
God of the Cosmos, who plays with stardust and nourishes the dirt of earth; harness our perspectives to witness what is true, and to have the courage to repair what is misaligned so that we may be woven back into you, returning to our true selves, and truly belonging to one another. In the name of Jesus, who redeems and restores all things. Amen.
Writing Letters to God
A “collect” is an ancient form of prayer that’s short, meaningful, and to the point—almost like a snapshot of your heart in conversation with God. It’s often used in Christian services and tied to a specific theme or scripture, but you can write one anytime. Let’s try creating one together!
Entering into a state of “flow”
What does it mean to be in the “flow”?
In the business world, it usually means “productivity”
In sports: optimal or peak “performance” during a match or game. That in-the-zone feeling where time slows down and there is nothing else but you and the ball.
Advent as an athlete
One of the reasons that I love being part of a tradition that follows the liturgical seasons is because each season has something to teach us. Advent is the season that is celebrated leading up to Christmas. It is a time when we are invited to prepare our hearts to receive the gift of Christ born into the world. Advent literally means “arrival,” and so it is a season where we slow down to prepare for the arrival of Emmanuel---God with us.
Living a life of gratitude
Right at the beginning of my freshman year of high school, I tore my lateral ligaments in my right ankle during JV soccer practice while trying to field a cross from deep in the right corner. My ankle plunged into a sprinkler hole and my body kept on going.
Our blog is written by athletes, counselors, and Christian ministers alike. We’d love to amplify your voice! See our guidelines for the Christian Athlete Circle Blog below, and submit your story to connect@christianathletecircles.org along with 2-3 relevant, high-quality images.