Entering into a state of “flow”
What does it mean to be in the “flow”?
In the business world, it usually means “productivity”
In sports: optimal or peak “performance” during a match or game. That in-the-zone feeling where time slows down and there is nothing else but you and the ball.
“a subjective state that people report when they are completely involved in something to the point of forgetting time, fatigue, and anything else but the activity itself.”
~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced “me-hi chick-sin-me-hi”)
the foremost expert in flow (c.f. Flow: the psychology of optimal experience)
Traditional flow practices that can help us enter flow states of productivity or performance:
Training, muscle memory, general fitness and feeling good about our bodies
Taking care of our mental health: seeing a therapist, educating ourselves, increasing our self awareness and self care practices and rest.
Meditation and mindfulness practices like mindful walking, mindful eating, or a daily sit of a short period of silence without distractions.
Setting goals, aspirations, and intentions
Challenging yourself mentally and physically
Immediate and unambiguous feedback on your actions or feedback on progress you make
But in spirituality, which permeates all aspects of our being and human experience, “flow” is the infinite love flowing between the Trinity in their eternal dance. Being in that flow brings wholeness and oneness.
These practices above, help optimize our performance. But what if we took one more step…beyond fitness, meditation, mindfulness, and good vibes? Flow engages the whole self, then that includes our spirituality. How do enter the flow of the Trinity?
Prayer, namely contemplative prayer practices could help us enter not just a flow state but be in the flow of the Trinity.
Here are some Spiritual practices to incorporate alongside and even during our training, mental health, self care, and mindfulness practices:
If we think of infinite flow as a river in which we are all swimming:
Silence or contemplation is a break from swimming against the current.
Daily “rendezvous” with God can bring us to divine awareness – tapping wisdom, love, and compassion up from our innermost being.
Float on your back through rest. Resting in love – knowing God’s love & knowing you are a beloved child of God.
Being okay with not knowing is a break you give yourself from trading water and always needing to “have it all figured out”
Giving back “it is in giving that we receive” (the prayer of St. Francis) through time, energy, gift, or charity is the journey of reorientation and selflessness placing love and Christ at the center (instead of ourselves). I means we are not here to conquer the river but to take our place in it.
Trusting in ourselves that God has given us everything we need to swim and thrive
Finding spiritual community is experiencing belonging that we’re not the only ones barely keeping our heads above water. It also can bring guides and mentors who can help navigate the waters of life.
Fasting (not necessarily from food – if you do a fast from food, please follow a trusted, medical/professional source or method) from social media, phone usage, screens, a particular activity or behavior that might be getting in the way.
Having a feast day/cheat day
Play! Enjoy the water! Splash around.